
Back to School

Jimmy started 1st grade today, and he was so excited! We went to the open house last night, where he got to see his room all set up for today. He was happy to see that he recognized some of the kids who would be in his class.

Of course taking him this morning was chaotic, mostly because of Josie. Strongheaded as she is, she of course didn't want to walk up to the school--she wanted to go to the park instead. She settled for the smaller play area near the playground, and I decided to leave her there while I helped Jimmy find his line. Even though I kept checking for her (and she, rarely, for me), she managed to take off from that spot and head for the park. I had to go grab her just so we could have enough time to say goodbye to Jimmy. Then I stuffed her back in the car only to hear her wailing after she realized we weren't going home, but to Miss Jan's instead. Looks like it will take her a while to get used to our new routines!

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