
Easter Treats

This year we went to Dee's for Easter--and we went on Saturday for a change. We had a great time--in spite of the snow we'd all received the night before (at least a foot up by the Vyhanek's).

Josie finally got to wear her birthday gift from her cousin Jenna--we'd been saving the dress just for Easter, and it fit perfectly. Josie's been going through a rather cute bashful stage, though, so she stayed close to Mama all day, at one point even clinging to Mama's pants as Mama tried to walk across the kitchen. So when it came time for a picture of the younger generation, you can see that between Josie, Dominick, and Jimmy we had to just click the shutter and hope for the best!

Easter morning was fun here; the kids found that the Easter Bunny took all our decorated eggs and hid them. He also left six eggs filled with candy and real coins in the playroom, along with little baskets for the kids. We survived church with Josie, who only goes once a month now because she's so ill-behaved. She spent most of the mass in the back foyer area, where she of course slipped after trying to get away from Dad, thus banging her head on something and throwing a fit. Jimmy, meanwhile, was crouched down on the floor in front of our pew like it was a tornado drill so he wouldn't get "baptised again" by the Holy Water sprinkled our way. Needless to say, we left early and headed by Mom and Lar's so we could say hi for a little while. Grampy was happy to see the kids, and we were all happy to see him. It's been a relaxing and relatively low-key Easter. Hope it's been the same for others and God Bless!


Opening Night

One of my crafty projects this week was finally making a puppet theatre for the kids. Now I just need to make the puppets that were supposed to go with it (along with the sock puppets I never finished from a couple of years ago). In the meantime, here is Jimmy trying to put on his first show--emphasis on trying.

Get on the Bus

Josie and Jimmy had fun recently playing with their bus (a Christmas gift for Jos from Auntie Dawn). They both LOVE this thing.


The Differences between Josie & Jimmy

Yesterday I took the kids to a park after school--everyone was outside since it was one of the first warm days we've had this year. Josie was going crazy of course, having just realized recently that the whole world outside the house was her playground.

The trouble with Jos is that she doesn't listen--somehow Jimmy always just did. Anyway, Josie found some hole in the pavement near the park with some rocks in it, and was busy digging them out with her finger (another way she's different from Jimmy, who never liked to touch things like that and get dirty). I said, "Let's grab some rocks and then we'll go." So Jimmy grabbed some just to show her, and then we started walking away. "Bye, Josie," we said. She had her back to us, of course. She was too busy to even look in our direction.

So we kept walking. We got all the way to the car, at which point she casually looked up at us, then kept digging. So I start the car. I beep the horn. I get into the car and slam the door. Finally, she looked up, and started to walk toward us. So I got out of the car; seeing me, she turned back to her rocks and headed for them! So I got in the car again, and she came running (not crying at all). I had to wait until she got really close to the car so I could nab her!

Jim tells me all the time that Jimmy will live across the street from us someday, but that Josie will be gone the first chance she gets. After today, I believe him.


Snow Day

Even though we've had record snow here, it was finally warm enough yesterday for Josie to venture outside to play. She loved putting on her snow pants (Jimmy's old ones) and picking up mounds of snow to throw in a pile. We made some mini-snowmen and built a snow wall for Jimmy, but everything was melted by the time he got home from school.