
Jimmy's Island Party

Jimmy's 5th birthday was a lot of fun--he wanted an island party theme so we pretty much drew upon a mish mosh of different island cultures. We had Caribbean food (here's the Caribbean rice recipe everyone was asking about), listened to Hawaiian and Calypso music, and featured palm trees wherever we could. We even had an island cake--hopefully Mommy won't have to put icing bathing suits on Teddy Grahams again any time soon . . . Jimmy also made an island picture as part of the decorations!

Jimmy had his friends Anna, Caroline and Aidan over, and they had fun in the kiddie pools and Mount Tiki Soki sprinker. They also did their first (I think) limbo. Of course Grammy, Grampy, Uncle Danny, Auntie Anuta and Dominik came to join in the fun, and even Josie went for a little dip in the pool.

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