
Halloween with Family

We had a great Halloween weekend last week, as the kids' uncles, aunties and cousins came to visit and trick-or-treat with us. Too bad the weather was so cold . . . but we carved another great set of pumpkins, and the girls had fun with their fairy costumes!

The kids didn't collect a ton of candy (never a bad thing) since the weather was so chilly, but it was fun watching them call out "Trick-or-Treat" together. Dominik was a hoot--he kept wanting to get into everyone's house. And Josie kept running so fast her shoes fell off. Jimmy tried to get the little ones involved by asking them to do the doorbell, but of course the doorbell was always too high for them. You can't ask for sweeter, cuter or more-fun-to-watch kids than that!


Hmmm . . . I'ts Been A While. Must Be in School!

Last weekend we went to the Des Plaines Valley Rendezvouz, a kind of re-enactment of life along the river centuries ago, when people would come by boat to camp and trade for goods. It was really cool. We got to see a teepee fully furnished, and along the river people in costume basically had their camps set up--and they'd tell you about their site and so on.

Jimmy really liked the "skirmish"--where some fighting broke out between some soldiers and the Indians.

We were only there a little while, but plan to go back next year when we can spend more time!


At the Beach

We went to Mount Baldy today. Years ago we used to climb the huge sand dune, then find everyone at the summit, leaping off into the deep sand. Nowadays you have to take a different trail to get to the beach, and you can't jump off the summit so much; the dune is eroding. Even so, kids had saucers they were using to glide down, and Jimmy and Josie had fun running down the slope. They both loved the beach; they're at a great age now where they simply occupy themselves with the waves and sand. We were there from about ten in the morning until after five--the kids should sleep well tonight!


Jimmy's 7th Birthday

Last weekend we celebrated Jimmy's birthday up at Auntie Jeannie's house, where Jimmy got a chance to go fishing with Dad and Grammy. He ended up catching his first bass--a good-sized one! Dad caught one too, but it had swallowed the hook and got pretty bloody. Uncle Danny cleaned the fish, and we didn't think there'd be much to eat, but in fact once I battered them up (as Gram used to do), we had enough for our family of four.

Jimmy enjoyed his cake, too. He'd wanted a violin one, and the best I could do was come up with something that had one on it (versus one that was shaped like a violin). I tried doing a rolled fondant cake, which I'd never done--but the fondant wasn't as good-tasting as regular icing. Jimmy still liked it, though!

On his actual birthday we did a "normal" cake, which we all enjoyed a lot, and Jimmy got a cool toy from Gram Crackers and Pop that allows him to build models of factories that feature all kinds of water pumps and valves. The one he made today was called a Vinegar Distilling Factory, and once he turned it on, he had fun changing the different valves to see what would happen. Just wish he could keep his cool when parts don't fit together, or things don't work immediately . . .


Josie's Wish List

I updated Josie's list for her birthday, too . . . which will come up so fast. I can't believe it's almost Jimmy's birthday! Just another week and a half, and he'll be seven!


Birthday Boy

I asked Jimmy this weekend what he'd like for his birthday--his wish list is updated with the things he told me . . .

Weekend at Navy Pier

A weekend ago we took the kids to Navy Pier, where we all enjoyed strolling around on a sunny day. Josie went on the carousel, then we all went on the big ferris wheel. Josie thought the ride was really cool, and Jimmy thought he was high as the clouds.

Mom's Day

We took Mom to Ann Sather's downtown for breakfast this Mother's Day, and then went to a park with the kids. Later on we met Dan, Anuta and Dominik at Lake Katherine, where the kids enjoyed walking on the trails!


Spring at Lake Katherine

We took the kids, Gram Crackers and Pop to Lake Katherine Nature Preserve yesterday, where the kids saw a ton of animals and enjoyed the flowering trees and the waterfall. The kids had fun sending dandelion heads through the "rapids" and throwing rocks in the lake. It was a beautiful day!


Waterfall Glen

We went hiking last Saturday at Waterfall Glen up near Jim's work. We spent a little while by the waterfall and had a snack, then all of us spent a lot of time throwing rocks in the creek. We skipped rocks, tossed rocks and made "rock songs" by throwing in several in different sequences. Josie, of course, liked finding sticks.


Easter Fun

We spent a nice Easter up at Auntie Jeannie's this year. The kids had fun and spent a lot of time outside playing and later, hunting for eggs. The lamb cake--with Gram's recipes--turned out well and disappeared quickly!

Hiking at Swallow Cliff

A few weeks ago the weather was warmer and we took a ride over to Swallow Cliff for a hike. Jimmy and Josie had fun climbing the steps up the cliff, and wandering the paths.

Of course, they each have their own way of doing things. Note who's on the wrong side of the "Closed" sign here, for instance.


C'mon Bug!

Josie saw a bug on the stairs the other day, and ran screaming to find me. We later went looking for it, and I filmed the hunt because it was so cute. In the vid Josie first waves her stick and yells, "C'mon, bug!" a few times. Then she wants to know if I'm going to take a picture of her bug, or a picture of her and her stick. You can always count on Jos to come up with something to do on an otherwise boring day. Millie, this vid is totally for you--enjoy! ;-)

Jimmy's Expo

Jimmy wrapped up another class at Northwestern this weekend. It was about plants and how they adapt to their environments, and Jimmy had fun showing off what he and the other kids had been working on over the last seven weeks.
Josie wanted to do whatever Jimmy did--even stand in front of a poster she didn't make about photosynthesis ;-)

The vid below is Jimmy explaining his journal. I tried to cut him off, but then he insisted on filming a "Part II" and "Part III," which I did--but I'm only including "Part I."


Not Much Going On

We haven't been up to much lately--sorry I haven't posted more pics. I will soon!


LEGO Heaven

This is a little old--I'd had trouble loading it before. Over break I'd taken Jimmy to the LEGO Discovery Center in Schaumburg lso he could check it out. It's pricey, but the Heims thankfully helped us find some ways to get discounts on the tickets. Jimmy had a lot of fun seeing the LEGO version of Chicago and a big jungle scene (with a LEGO hippo Josie would've loved). They had some play areas where kids were building and testing cars, or putting skyscrapers over a plate that moved to simulate earthquakes. Of course Jimmy didn't want anything he built to get knocked down :-)


Brookfield Lights

We went to Brookfield Zoo to see the holiday lights for the first time this year. The kids really liked it. They got to see some animals and enjoyed the great light display; the weather was good that night, too--not too cold, but still pretty chilly by the time we left!

Josie went ape over the animal cutouts. Jim, Josie and Jimmy kept poking in and out, trying on different creatures.

Belated X-mas

Here are a few photos from our various Christmas parties. From Carol Stream to Tinley to Woodridge, we were all over the area celebrating with friends and family.

Christmas itself was enjoyable, with good food and company throughout. The kids had fun--and Anuta finally got herself the coveted pickle gift!