
Pumpkin Update

Here is a link to several photos from Jimmy's school, including pix of him with the other kids who won prizes for their pumpkin designs. That's right: Jimmy got first place for his grade for his cupcake pumpkin! He was really excited . . .


Is It Wishlist Time Already?

Our gang's wishlists (links on the right) have been updated for the holiday season. You'll see mostly little things on the kids' lists . . . cheap little things! Josie just likes playing with her kitchen, but she'll be asking for a dollhouse from Santa that has inexpensive accessory items. Jimmy always wants a wooden Metra engine (the new version), but nobody makes it. Oh, well. Times are tough, of course--they'd be happy with a box of markers :-)

Carving Frenzy

We got our pumpkins done tonight. Jimmy had fun carving his own with really no help from us--he was done in a flash! Jim, of course, drew out a plan before carving as he always does, and his cool sunglass-wearing pumpkin has an "LK" carved into the back for Larry. I think my pumpkin was the best I've ever done, and I thank a book I saw at the store over the weekend, which had a picture for a "cannibal pumpkin" that Jimmy and I thought was really cool. So I gave it a try, and it turned out wonderful. Josie wasn't too thrilled to see the pumpkins, but she liked Jimmy's happy one . . .

Jimmy's Pumpkin for School

Jimmy came up with a list of ideas for his pumpkin contest at school, and decided he wanted to make the world's biggest cupcake. So here's his pumpkin. He rolled most of the clay, glued on the sprinkles, and helped crease the cupcake liner. I had to use the glue gun to attach the liner for him.


Ghouly Concert

Jimmy got his first chance to wear his Halloween costume yesterday at his music school's concert at Barnes and Noble. His ghost costume was so much easier to make than last year's Tin Man! Jimmy thought having spooky makeup on was pretty cool, and he had fun seeing the other kids from his group class all dressed up. They played a bunch of songs together, including "Go Tell Aunt Rhody."

Pickin' Punkins

We took the kids to The Farm this morning to pick our pumpkins for Halloween. Josie enjoyed the tractor ride (her first) and went crazy once she saw all the horses behind the barn. Jimmy had fun picking out our pumpkins--although we had to leave some of them behind so as not to break the Bundy bank.

Grand Rapids Marathon

Jim ran the marathon last weekend in Grand Rapids. Grammy came with us, and we all really enjoyed the fall color display on the car ride there. We stayed in a nice suite that gave the kids lots of room to play. The kids did great during the race, too, since Grammy and I were both there with them; they had fun looking for Dad and playing with sticks and leaves.


First Fall Concert

Jimmy had the first of two Fall concerts this past weekend. He played "Long, Long Ago." A couple of the kids from his group class were there, too, including Mikey. Jimmy was excited to get a picture with him.

Josie was a good girl during the concert. She sat quietly through many songs. She was excited to hear Jimmy--listen for her in the middle of Jimmy's solo!

Pumpkin Fun

This weekend we joined Dan, Anuta and Dominik West of St. Charles for the Kuiper Farms Scarecrow Fest. Jos had fun at the petting zoo, while the rest of the gang picked apples. Later Jim and Jimmy went into the corn maze, and completed it about 30 minutes later.

Fall Shenanigans

You know I'm back at work when the blog goes ignored . . . Here I am to get you all caught up with some of the hijinks going on with the T.P. Bundys. Josie's been interested in trying to roller skate, as you can see. Jimmy lost his first tooth, and big Jim nearly lost it one day when his GPS running watch went missing. Just like Pop, Jim has trouble locating things. He was nearly in tears and full of anger at himself, but some hours later found his watch--tucked into one of his shoes. D'oh!