Josie and her fuffs. We couldn't find any one day so we pulled the crib away from the wall, and Josie went on a recon mission back there. This is what she discovered:

Then she grabbed them and took off running down the hall.
or, pix and movies of jimmy & josie
Somehow we found the time to go to Burlington, where the kids played in the park (well, Josie mostly complained) and we had our first Adrian's of the year!
The island was great, too. The sand really is pink at the beach, and after spending one say at Horseshoe Bay, I've become a beach snob. I've never really gotten much from going to the beach. The water is always way too cold to enjoy. But the pink sand was like powder--there were no ground up rocks, no shells. The water around the island was a beautiful greenish color, and was crystal clear. And warm. So Jim body surfed and I rode the waves too.
We did a bunch of other stuff too, and enjoyed some riduculously expensive meals (everything in Bermuda is expensive). But it was a memorable place, to be sure. The island was dotted with colorful homes, all with white clay roofs. When we explained later to Jimmy, he thought it was neat that you could paint a home pink, orange, or his favorite color, teal.
Of course, the ride back home with the kids made it feel as if we never went on vacation at all, or that we did go . . . some time way, way back when :-)