
Soccer Saturday

Today Jimmy started soccer--it's only on Saturday mornings for a couple of hours from now until the week we head to the East Coast. He was excited that his team color was blue--one of his favorite colors--and that his number was 24: "That's one of my favorite numbers! And 25, and 11! Those are my lucky numbers!"

He had a good time though. He scored a goal, which got him off to a good start. Josie was surprisingly good the whole time. She wandered around a little with me, where we found a pinecone and acorns and a red-winged blackbird. Then she sat in her lawn chair before wandering off with Dad--they jumped across the creek to get to a playground. We'll see how she does in weeks to come.


Jimmy's First Concert

Jimmy had his first group violin concert this past Saturday. He was really excited. His group class hasn't met that many times, so they didn't get too much practice playing all at once, but if you look closely in the vid you can see Jimmy keeping up. They played "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." At the end of the concert they had all the music students on stage to play a song together; Jimmy's group plucked a few notes for their part in that production--he was really excited about that. After the concert they had a reception; Jimmy was happy to munch on a pile of cookies.

He's been going well with violin overall, and really loves it. He's learned to play about 4 songs so far. He has another concert coming up in early May--a solo concert--where he'll play the main theme for "Twinkle."

Moon Sand

Jimmy got some Moon Sand a while ago and finally got around to building a castle with it. It's really weird--you can let it sit out and it doesn't dry out. It feels like sand but when you squish it it sticks together well enough to build with. Josie wants to see it, but we're not letting her play with this stuff yet . . .