
Big Brother Goes to School

Jimmy started pre-school today at St. George. As expected, there were already a few incidents with the train table, maybe due to the fact that there are so many boys in the class--only about 3 girls in a class of 14!


Sling Baby

Finally, we found a sling that a baby likes! We had one for Jimmy a long time ago, but he never took to it. Josie looks pretty happy here, and slept about an hour while keeping Mom's hands free.

First Stroller Ride

Josie had her first stroller ride yesterday. We finally bought a new jogger. The old one had been used almost daily for years by Jimmy and Dad. This one is more for Mom, when she gets running herself (eventually). It's kind of fun because it has a tiny speaker in the canopy for an iPod hookup--so Josie listened to some Chopin during the ride. Remember, you can click the photos here to see a bigger version--Jos looks pretty teeny in the jogger!


Josephine . . . Meet Josephine!

Nana spent a good part of Sunday holding her namesake and "studying her features." Josie's name has sparked a lot of interest in nicknames. Nana plans to call the baby Jodie, since that's what Gramps used to call her--cute! Cousin Andy wants to call her Jo-Jo . . .

Sunday at Nana's

Josie got her first nap by Nana's lake this past Sunday. Seems like she really liked the fresh air!

The trip wouldn't be complete without Josie's first visit to Adrian's Frozen Custard--the best! We'd been waiting all summer to get over there ourselves . . .

Jimmy playing in the park near Adrian's in Burlingon, Wisconsin.

Hunger Satisfied

That's one satisfied baby!


Coolest Toys

Oompa has the cutest toys! Gotta get this Bubbles cat for Josie one of these days . . . aw!

And the games on this site are adorable, too!


Visit from NC Gang!

Next Josie met her uncle, aunt and cousins from NC!

Sort of a goofy-looking bunch--especially the little guy on the right.

And the latest edition to the NC family, little Charlie!

Exercising Charlie . . .

Cousins at the train station.

New Jersey Crew Descends Upon Tinley Park

We had a full house for a few days; everyone was eager to meet Josie!

Dad and Jimmy digging for dino bones at the Children's Museum on Navy Pier.

Pop bowling with Jimmy.
Will he get a strike, or throw the ball so it hits Pop in the stomach?

Cousin Millie's got her own way of playing with Jimmy's train table!

Mom didn't get out much . . .


A Lazy Saturday

Josie likes to take a lot of little "snacks" of milk during the morning (and few naps), but by early afternoon she's ready to get some real sleep!

Josie got some beautiful flowers from Grammy and Grampy!


Coming Home!

All ready to leave the hospital--with mittens, "fuf"and blanket!

We always said we'd never get one of these things, but we've also said no "middle child" of ours will be left behind!

First Days

Proud Dad . . .

Proud Grampy!

Welcome Baby!

Josephine Gail Bundy was born today at 11:25. She was 8 lbs., 1 oz. and 22 inches long.


Getting the House Ready

In preparation for the baby's arrival (and the New Jersey crew's visit), we've got to get the trains off the floor! The only way I can do this is to tell Jimmy that I'll take a picture of the layout so that we can put it together again, exactly as before.


Poem for Jimmy

Here's a funny little poem I found on the American Academy of Poets site that makes me think of what Jimmy's going to be dealing with soon:

Some Things Don't Make Any Sense at All
Judith Viorst

My mom says I'm her sugarplum.
My mom says I'm her lamb.
My mom says I'm completely perfect
Just the way I am.
My mom says I'm a super-special wonderful terrific little guy.
My mom just had another baby.